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BOSIDENG dona 150 mila piumini ai medici in trincea

Aggiornamento: 8 mag 2020

Londra. Bosideng, marchio d’eccellenza di piumini cinesi, approfitta della London Fashion Week per lanciare una campagna di solidarietà a favore della nazione. Alla fine dello show ildesigner Pietro Ferragina e 54 modelli in piuminorosso attraversano la passerella sventolando la bandiera rossa a cinque stele gialle. La scritta "Go China"! brilla sul fondale come una benedizione alPaese del Dragone.

Bosideng ha lanciato piumini nella tinta del rosso nazionale e ha diffuso l’uso di colorifluorescenti per questo capo classico, rivoluzionandone il design per una maggiorevestibilità, leggerezza e funzionalità.

Il marchio durante l’ultimo inverno ha continuato a svolgere la sua missione originale di "riscaldare il mondo": 150.000 piumini, per un valore di 300 milioni di yuan, sono stati donati alpersonale medico in prima linea per la lotta all’epidemia.



但作为第一个在伦敦时装周亮相的中国羽绒服品牌,在伦敦大秀的谢幕之时,设计师Pietro Ferragina和54位模特穿着红色的羽绒服,挥动着中国五星红旗亮相T台,秀场也点亮了“中国加油”的字样,为中国送出祝福,充满正能量。波司登向世界展示中国红,并且将时装理念引入羽绒服行业,引领羽绒服的时尚革命。一改臃肿的羽绒服造型,转而利用舒适轻便的设计,强调实穿度和功能性。融合了拼接色彩鲜亮的荧光色。



BOSIDENG 300 million worth down jackets donated to medical frontline

In mid-February, Chinese international brand Bosideng held the autumn and winter 2020 conference at London Fashion Week. Due to the sudden Covid-19, many industries were forced to stop operations, and the fashion industry was undoubtedly greatly affected.

But as the first Chinese down jacket brand debuted at London Fashion Week, designer Pietro Ferragina and 54 models wore red down jackets, waving the Chinese five-star red flag to the runway. At the back of the runaway the words "Go China" were illuminated, blessings China withpositive energy. Bosideng delivered Chinese red to the world, and revolutionized the fashion concept into the down jacket industry. The bloated down jacket has been changed to a comfortable and lightweight design that emphasizes wearability and functionality, often blended with vibrant fluorescent colors.

In this cold winter, Bosideng carries out his original mission of "warming the world" with a donation of 150,000 pieces of down jackets (of 300 million yuan worth) to support the epidemic.

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