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Bottega veneta the “gentle and soft” to carry around

Aggiornamento: 8 mag 2020

Every year, there are new icons in the fashion world.The most famous in the past year is Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

According to statistics, Rosie has Instagrammed this it bag 39 times in three months, which can be said to be completely inseparable.

This Bottega Veneta “Cloud bag” (The pouch)does not need to be introduced, because it is the hottest explosion in the fashion world in these two years. But many people do not know that this bag is not a completely fresh product, its earliest form came from the 1980s.


As early as 1980, the heroine in the movie American Gigolo used this BV handbag. The heroine is the wife of an American senator. She uses her charming and gentle manners to help her husband win votes.

It is said that the clothes designed at the time had already been selected, but what kind of bag the heroine should take in order to be both gentle and gassy has always been impossible. Until one day, actor Lauren Hutton, played the heroine, took a BV lambskin handbag into the set, and the director immediately decided: "It's it".


The main reason why the BV handbag can achieve the desired effect is not necessarily the shape, the key reason is its material: while it has a high-level sense, it is also particularly soft. Even if it is similar to a handbag, it is also used in the same posture. A stiff bag requires you to adapt to its aura, and a soft bag can fit your body gently and set off your temperament. After the BV 2020 autumn show ended last month, the brand's creative director Daniel Lee said something like this:

“When you look at the brand ’s beginnings, everything it made was so soft. I find that super inspiring.”


So this season's BV put away the sharp edge like a female warrior, and became softer and gentler. BV is now one of the hottest brands in the fashion world. No matter what happens, many brands will following them. This also means that the fashion world has experienced street style, cold sex, and various gorgeous retro styles. Finally, after the bad start of 2020, he left the flashy, ready to take a gentle line that seems bland but can give people more confidence.


Bottega Veneta 把“温柔”带在身上

几乎每一年,时尚圈都会多几个带货的新icon。最近一年风比较大的是Rosie Huntington-Whiteley。据统计,Rosie在三个月内,在instagram晒的39次搭配里都用到这只包,可以说是达到完全离不开的地步。这只Bottega Veneta的云朵包不用特别介绍了,因为是这两年时尚圈最火的爆款。但很多人并不知道,这只包不是完全新鲜的产物,它的雏形最早来自上世纪80年代。早在1980年,电影《美国舞男》里的女主角就时刻夹着这只BV的手包了。女主角的人设是一位美国参议员的老婆,她用自己充满魅力且温柔的仪态帮丈夫赢得选票。据说当时服设组的衣服早已经选好了,但对于女主角该拿什么包才能表现得既温柔也不失气场一直举棋不定。直到某天,饰演女主角的演员Lauren Hutton自己手上夹了一只BV小羊皮手包走进片场,导演立即决定:“就是它了”。

BV这只手包之所以能达到剧中期望的效果,主要原因不完全在于外形,关键在于它的材质:在高级的同时,还特别柔软。即使拿的同样是手包,也用的是同一种姿势去拿,硬挺的包需要你去适应它的气场,而软糯的包则可以温柔地贴合你的身体,更好地衬托你本身的气质。上个月BV办2020秋季秀时,品牌的创意总监Daniel Lee就对记者说了这么一句话:“When you look at the brand’s beginnings, everything it made was so soft. I find that super inspiring.如果你观察这个品牌的起源,就会发现它所做的一切都是如此柔软,这激发了我的很多灵感。” 于是这一季的BV收起了之前很多女战士的锋芒,变得更加柔软温柔了。要知道,BV现在是时尚圈最火的牌子,无论出什么,都会有很多品牌跟风。这也就意味着,时尚圈在经历了街头风、性冷淡风、各种华丽复古风以后,终于在糟糕的2020年开始后,抛去了浮华,准备走起看似平淡但可以给人更多自信的温柔路线。

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